Defending Lydia Collier v.10 is now officially released!

Thanks for all the feedback and support, and make sure you haven't already to join the Discord where I can be reached for any bugs or problems if they arise and for general feedback/questions if you have them.
Download Links:
(with thanks to the66 for creating an android port)
Change Logs:
BETA to v.10: Fixed multiple bugs/typos. Restored betting system. Few new images all relating to the in-game web. Added remaining missing side images.
Alpha 2 to Beta: Fixed multiple bugs/typos. 60 additional renders. Restored branching game over endings. Restored email system. Additional scene ending the day. Added several missing side images.
v.09.1.1 to Alpha 2: Entire new day with 1,389 new renders along with a new animation. Fixed multiple spellings/typos reporting after v.09.1.1 release.
Thanks for all the continued and new support!
Hope you enjoy the update!
Hey there Phantom, this is great news! I'm super excited to start playing through it again as it is one of my favourites! However, I have only one question: do you have any idea as to when we will start seeing the updated Android v10 available to download?