Hello everybody!
With the release date set there isn't too much to report on, so here's a couple of final previews instead.
Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15 will be released on the 10th December 2022.
With the Steam Release, it will likely be delayed by a few days just to make sure all the prevalent bugs are fixed and then mass tested (with hopefully no issues as they'll be fixed) by everybody playing the v.0.15 version.
A surge of reviews can make or break a brand new game so I'd rather release everything here (still tested in Alpha of course), fix any minor issues and then release it on Steam a couple of days later than go in releasing it at the exact same time regardless, miss something that takes five minutes to fix, and get a surge of negative reviews that could ruin the entire last three years worth of work there.
However that won't affect the regular release here, purely on Steam, it will still be available via GDrive, Mega and Mediafire as usual.
Each week I'll be posting the image collection of this week's opened doors on the advent calendar, slightly short this week as there's only been two opened so far, but that's when you'll get them if you see one you like.
There will not be weekly progress next week as the update will release on the Saturday, it will just be the advent calendar images on the Friday.
Thanks for all the new and continued support,