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v.10 Progress and News.

Writer: White PhantomWhite Phantom

Hi Guys & Girls,

Just an update on the progress of v.10!

I've rendered nearly 1000 images for this update so far, with the post work done on about 500 of them, and there will be many hundreds more than that when I'm done which will hopefully be in the next two weeks or so (before my exams begin).

Currently the entire game has about 3,500 images, so to put the size of this update into comparison in terms of development, I'd imagine it is going to be at least 1/3 of the size of the current entire game as it is.

Here's what is to come in v.10:

Expansion of Ellie, Vanessa & Stephanie's romantic storylines. All three will have new scenes and further develop your relationship with them.

Significant story expansion. v.10 introduces the final of four factions that will decide the ending of the story, and you'll have the opportunity to pick the one you feel will best help uncover the mystery surrounding Charles & Lydia Collier.

This will be a crucial decision that will greatly change the story going forwards depending on who you pick!

Epilogues! Currently the game only has one ending, and if you've met it, you'll know it isn't the happiest. Taking inspiration from the epilogues of games such as Fallout: New Vegas, v.10 will add (and apply retrospectively to the earlier ending) an epilogue of renders showing what happened to the main characters you've interacted with and the story itself, and this will vary greatly depending on the choices you've made so far should your story end. You'll find some choices you may have thought completely inconsequential could end up having major impacts in what happens after. Whilst hopefully you won't meet a game over any time soon, these will continue to expand and mean by the time we get to the final ending of the game, instead of having Red/Green or Blue, you'll have multiple different endings and futures for multiple different characters all depending on what you picked.

New Our Moments Profiles! You'll now be able to access Tiffany's Our Moments page, and if Stephanie has access to your building's gym, she'll be beginning her own. Other character's will also have theirs expanded, so be on the look out for those.

Renders should also look better! I've rendered hundreds of images in 4k, and whilst they'll all be downscaled to 1280, it should mean they look crisper and higher quality.

Small fixes to grammar and spelling. A huge thanks to anybody who has contacted me with fixes and errors they've spotted, every single one reported so far has been fixed for v.10.

Thanks again for all your continued support!

To the 10+ Supporters, April's Renders will be made in the next coming week!

White Phantom



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